Biography of David E. Dinsmore

David E. Dinsmore, a thriving dairy farmer and milk dealer of Dover, Piscataquis County, Maine, was born in the adjacent town of Foxcroft, November 4, 1848, son of Sanford C. and Lucy (Gilman) Dinsmore. He bears the name of his immigrant progenitor, a native of Ireland, of Scottish descent, who came to this country in 1745, and settled in New Hampshire. In the History of Chester, New Hampshire, David Dinsmore of that early day is spoken of as working at his occupation of tailor in Londonderry, New Hampshire, and later as buying land in Chester.

Arthur Dinsmore, son of David, born in 1752, married Margaret Fulton, and in 1794, with his wife and nine children, removed to Anson, Maine. Arthur, Jr., the youngest child, then an infant, was brought on horseback, there being at that time no carriage roads.

Arthur Dinsmore, Jr., grandfather of the subject of this sketch, became a substantial farmer, occupying the same farm till his death. On September to, 1865, he and his wife celebrated their golden wedding, which was attended by their eleven children; and this couple lived to observe the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage, which was attended by nine children, Abner and Susan having died. Seven of their children are now living; namely, Mrs. Betsey Hilton, Sumner, Sewall, and Zebina Dinsmore, Mrs. Clara Houghton, Austin and Thomas Dinsmore. The others were: Luke, Abner, Mrs. Susan Hale, and Sanford C. Dinsmore. Arthur Dinsmore, Jr., was in his later years a Republican in politics. He was a member of the Congregational church, of which he officiated as Deacon several years; and he acceptably filled several town offices.

Sanford C. Dinsmore, David E. Dinsmore’s father, was born in Anson, August 20, 1822. The active period of his life was spent in Dover, where he was engaged in farming. He owned one hundred and thirty acres of the farm which is now occupied by his son. Industrious and progressive, he made various improvements in his property. He was a prominent and respected citizen. Politically, he acted with the Republican party, but had no aspirations for office. In his religious belief he was a Congregationalist. He died April 13, 1873, aged fifty-one years. Lucy B. Gilman, his wife, who was born in Norridgewock, Maine, April 4, 1827, became the mother of four children, namely: David E., the subject of this sketch; Clara; Martha F. and Arthur A. Clara is the wife of F. H. Brown, of Fairfield, Maine.; and Martha E. is the wife of W. A. Hill, of Sangerville, Maine. Arthur A. Dinsmore, who resides in Dover, has twice married. His first wife was Nellie Colcord, of Dover, Maine, and after her death he married Elizabeth Barrows. Mrs. Lucy B. Dinsmore is still living, and resides in Sangerville.

David E. Dinsmore began his education in the common schools, and completed his studies at Foxcroft Academy. Adopting the teacher’s profession, he taught twenty-seven terms; and then, relinquishing educational work, he turned his attention to farming. Since succeeding to the possession of the homestead property, he has added adjoining land, and, now owning two hundred and sixty acres, has a fine set of buildings, including a new barn, one hundred by forty feet. In 1890 he engaged in- the milk business, having a large number of regular customers in Dover and Foxcroft. He keeps twenty-five Durham cows, several horses, and a herd of swine.

He is one of the best known and most prosperous farmers of his neighborhood. His residence, which is situated upon high ground, commands an extended view of the surrounding country. He acts with the Republican party in politics, has been superintendent of schools fifteen years and a member of the Board of Selectmen three years. Be is a Past Master of the local Masonic Lodge; Past Grand of Kineo Lodge, I.O.O.F.; is connected with the Patrons of Husbandry, of Foxcroft; and the New England Order of Protection, of Dover.

Mr. Dinsmore married Frances Lyford, of Dover, daughter of the late Eleazar and Mary (Harriman) Lyford. Mrs. Dinsmore is the mother of two children: Sanford C., born November 6, 1880; and Mary L., born November 16, 1882. Mr. and Mrs. Dinsmore attend the Free Will Baptist church. Sanford C. Dinsmore, their son, went to Augusta as a member of Company F, Second Maine Regiment, in answer to the call for volunteers in the Spanish-American War (1898); but, the quota being filled, he was with the rest of the company sent home after remaining there three weeks.

Source: Biographical review: containing life sketches of leading citizens of Somerset, Piscataquis, Hancock, Washington, and Aroostook counties, Maine. Boston: Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1898.

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