Biography of Robinson Turner

Robinson Turner, of Guilford, the proprietor of the Turner House, one of the best and oldest hotels in Piscataquis County, was born here, March 17, 1834, son of Howard and Betsey E. (Sargent) Turner. The early immigrant ancestor settled in Marshfield, Massachusetts, in 1632. General Turner, from whom was named the town of Turner, Maine, was the father of Abial, the great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch. The grandfather, also named Robinson Turner, was a carpenter of Turner, who spent his life in Oxford County, and died there at the age of ninety-two years.

Howard Turner, son of Robinson, born in Turner, May 12, 1812, came to Guilford when but three years of age with Mr. Ezariah Barker. After finishing his school education he was engaged in the mill business both here and in North Guilford, and was afterward interested in farming. In 1863 he bought the Franklin Hotel in Guilford, now called the Turner House, which has been in the family for many years. In religion he accepted the Universalist belief. He was a Democrat in politics, and he held office in the town for many years, serving as chairman of the Board of Selectmen. At his death in Guilford, on March 6, 1874, he left a widow and four children. The widow, Mrs. Betsey E. Turner, is a native of Gloucester, Massachusetts, where she was born, August 6, 1813. She now resides with her son Robinson in Guilford. The children were: Robinson, Julia L., Zadoc L., and George H. Julia L., who became the wife of Mr. Daniel Crockett, died in March, 1884, at the age of forty-eight years. Zadoc L., born in August, 1838, now a resident of Guilford, is interested in the woolen-mills of the place, and also in agriculture. George H., born December 2, 1859, is a member of the firm of H. Douglass & Co., general merchants.

Robinson Turner received his education in Guilford and at Waterville, Maine. He spent the years of his early manhood in the mines of California, going there in 1864. Returning to his native place ten years later, he and his brother, Zadoc, in 1874 became the joint proprietors of the Turner House. In the winter of 1878 Mr. Robinson Turner bought the entire property, which he has since carried on independently up to the present time. Mr. Turner has enlarged the buildings, and by putting in all the modern improvements he has made the old house one of the most comfortable and attractive in the county. In 1874 Mr. Turner married Mrs. Alma Clark Liscomb, who was born in Skowhegan, Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Turner have no family. Mr. Turner is politically a Democrat. He is a Mason of Kineo Lodge at Guilford and Piscataqua Chapter, and a member of Good Cheer Lodge, No. 37, I.O.O.F. He is one of the oldest residents of the village and the owner of a well-ordered and popular house.

Source: Biographical review: containing life sketches of leading citizens of Somerset, Piscataquis, Hancock, Washington, and Aroostook counties, Maine. Boston: Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1898.

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