Company F, Fifty-Sixth Pioneer-Infantry

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Capt. William R. Ballon, Commanding Officer

Page 22 (continued)

1st. Lt. Eugene P. Carver, jr.
1st. Lt. John E. Perry
1st. Sgt. Clarence F. Brown
Mess Sgt. Allred H. Sibley
Sup. Sgt. John F. Kelley
Sgt. Benjamin Trembley
Sgt. Herrick J. Murray
Sgt. Charles A. Gravelle
Sgt. Charles A. Johnson
Sgt. Francis B. Garter
Sgt. Raymond W. Dyer
Sgt. William R. Wray
Sgt. Bennie Boynton
Sgt. Henry L. Grindell
Sgt. Charles L. Tourtillotte
Cpl. Edgar F. Hanson

1st Lt. Earl W. Bowen
2nd Lt. Samuel E Whitten
Cpl. Clayton R. McCobb
Cpl. Christian Matson
Cpl. Harold J. McDougall
Cpl. Walter A. York
Cpl. Hoyt W. Ingraham
Cpl. Leroy T. Kalloch
Cpl. Herbert S. Beal
Cpl. Louis R. Stevens
Cpl. Raymond C. Doran
Cpl. Arnold K. Fitger
Cpl. George D. Gummo
Cpl. George P. Ham
Cpl. Robert Heaney
Cpl. Emile J. Herrera

Page 23

Cpl. John F. Hickey
Cpl. Coolidge Lesure
Cpl. Joseph F. McDonough
Cpl. Ralph M. Musser
Cpl. John L. Patrick
Cpl. Norileet P. Ray
Cpl. Lide L. Richbourg
Cpl. James C. Steele
Cpl. Charles A. Zimmerman
Cpl. Edward Butterbaugh
Bglr. Leon S. Rogers
Bglr. Leroy A. Wiggin
Cook John J. Hoare
Cook Harold L. Hutchins
Cook William T. McCarthy
Mech. George M. Lane
Mech. Herbert Kalloch
Mech. Leo K. Sargent
Mech. Arthur W. Meadlock
Pvt. Joseph Adams
Pvt. Rosario Adams
Pvt. Andrew G. Anderson
Pvt. Tobias Ash
Pvt. Wilbur H. Balentine
Pvt. George J. Butterfield
Pvt. Tracy Beal
Pvt. George B. Bitner
Pvt. William M. Brown
Pvt. Joseph F. Brunner
Pvt. John A. Bryan
Pvt. Jesse G. Bush
Pvt. Joseph C. Byrd
Pvt. Ernest D. Barker
Pvt. Erson C. Beatty
Pvt. Julius L. Brittain
Pvt. John F. Bagley
Pvt. Morris Benkofski
Pvt. Henry L. Brengrath
Pvt. Clarence Brewer
Pvt. Daniel Cartwright
Pvt. George W. Carver
Pvt. William R. Cale
Pvt. Raymond H. Caftan

Pvt. Herman C. Cole
Pvt. Lindley G. Conner
Pvt. Frank P. Cook
Pvt. Frank L. Coore
Pvt. Barnwell E. Coward
Pvt. Michael Coyne
Pvt. Luther S. Cox
Pvt. James D. Cregan
Pvt. Jesse R. Davis
Pvt. Jarvis Doucette
Pvt. Michael E. Delaney
Pvt. Angelo R. Delgrosso
Pvt. Claude Devenger
Pvt. Giovanni DiRocco
Pvt. Louis M: Donnell
Pvt. Max Deutsch
Pvt. Thomas A. Duane
Pvt. Alexander DuFour
Pvt. Elon G. Eargle
Pvt. Joseph Ego
Pvt. Lawrence Elliot
Pvt. Joseph Farrell
Pvt. Stephen C. Fetsko
Pvt. Daniel R. Fetzer
Pvt. Frank Fiedorowicz
Pvt. Serafino A. Foracappo
Pvt. George A. Fritsch
Pvt. Claud S. Poland
Pvt. Philip A. Fruman
Pvt. George R. Fergerson
Pvt. Lon S. Fairfax
Pvt. Herman C. Friedrich
Pvt. Harry J. Gates
Pvt. Salvatore Garin
Pvt. George J. Gebhardt
Pvt. McDowell Gibbons
Pvt. George A. Gemberling
Pvt. Robert E. Gill
Pvt. Welcome R. Grant
Pvt. Francis J. Goyette
Pvt. Henry Gatsinos
Pvt. Josef Godlewsky
Pvt. Paul T. Haas

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Pvt. Russell Hoffman
Pvt. Albert L. Hagan
Pvt. John J. Hanley
Pvt. William A. Harris
Pvt. Buriel Hartman
Pvt. Henry B. Hassinger
Pvt. Robert H. Hassinger
Pvt. Warren B. Hays
Pvt. Maxwell C. Hogan
Pvt. William M. Hollenbach
Pvt. Robert W. Hollis, jr.
Pvt. George Hollinsworth
Pvt. Daniel C. Horner
Pvt. James E. Illingsworth
Pvt. Wiliam James
Pvt. Carl Johnson
Pvt. Dallas C. Jordan
Pvt. Louis John
Pvt. William Katzmark
Pvt. Joseph Kava
Pvt. Homer E. Keister
Pvt. Nelson Kerstetter
Pvt. John J. Klima
Pvt. Charles H. Koeneke
Pvt. John Kostyack
Pvt. Foster I. Krebs
Pvt. Gordon R. Kreitzberger
Pvt. Alexander Kroyer
Pvt. Stanley Kulakowski
Pvt. Leroy H. Kemmerer
Pvt. Edward A. King
Pvt. Burton J. Kingsbury
Pvt. Frederick E. Laird
Pvt. Fred K. Land
Pvt. Maurice C. Lantzy
Pvt. Lars Larson
Pvt. John A. Lamb
Pvt. Charles W. Leach
Pvt. John E. LeGrand
Pvt. Joseph R. Lightner
Pvt. John Little
Pvt. Mitchell Levin
Pvt. Guy Lucas

Pvt. William Louis
Pvt. Marselius Lunderwold
Pvt. Walter Lang
Pvt. Wildy Lymance
Pvt. Chester A. Lyon
Pvt. Charles V. McGilvray
Pvt. James J. McGurk
Pvt. Robert J. McKnight
Pvt. Cyril B. McMullen
Pvt. John Marshall
Pvt. Julius Menzel
Pvt. John F. Meyer
Pvt. Robert W. McKinnon
Pvt. David K. Merritt
Pvt. Raymond Meslusky
Pvt. John W. Monts
Pvt. Max Morris
Pvt. Erwin H. Morrison
Pvt. William Mowser
Pvt. Wade Morron
Pvt. Samuel Mandel
Pvt. Joseph Mayer
Pvt. Grant Mehick
Pvt. Herbert Mitchell
Pvt. Willie C. Money
Pvt. Geybord M. Moses
Pvt. Louis Marichevich
Pvt. George Peter Nace
Pvt. Wyley L. Nichols
Pvt. Samuel C. Norris
Pvt. Walter B. Norman
Pvt. John J. O’Shea
Pvt. John F. Oppitz
Pvt. Joseph V. Peese
Pvt. Evan Petrocliik
Pvt. Andrew Pinksaw
Pvt. Frank D. Poindexter
Pvt. Umberto Paolella
Pvt. Troy T. Powers
Pvt. Harry B. Partridge
Pvt. Ceasare Patrone
Pvt. Frank Pyle
Pvt. Milton J. Raborg

Page 25

Pvt. George J. Ranft
Pvt. Wilson M. Rathfon
Pvt. Henry C. Rauch
Pvt. Joseph Reese
Pvt. Horace H. Roebuck
Pvt. Foster Romberger
Pvt. William K. Rote
Pvt. Clarence L. Ramseur
Pvt. Domenic Riccio
Pvt. Eugene J. Rossi
Pvt. Carleton A. Rust
Pvt. Dan Sanders
Pvt. Foster E. Schaeffer
Pvt. John Schuessler
Pvt. Major D. Scott
Pvt. Arthur Skulstad
Pvt. Albert H. Shuss
Pvt. Homer Skaggs
Pvt. John R. Smith
Pvt. John J. Skavinski
Pvt. Joseph M. Smith
Pvt. Paul A. Smith
Pvt. Samuel M. Snyder
Pvt. Antonio Sorento
Pvt. Heyward Spires
Pvt. Toney A. Strollo
Pvt. Bartley C. Swartzell
Pvt. Julien D. Sherrod
Pvt. Louis Schapiro
Pvt. Frank D. Smith
Pvt. Richard E. Snow
Pvt. George F. Stratton

Pvt. Carl J. Sather
Pvt. Luigi Socini
Pvt. Joseph Teti
Pvt. James W. Tharp
Pvt. Carl W. Tompson
Pvt. William T. Trinkley
Pvt. Joseph F. Truitt
Pvt. Vernon A. Tryon
Pvt. Clement E. Ulrich
Pvt. Jahn J. Urs
Pvt. John Vann
Pvt. William Volkert
Pvt. Gilbert C. White
Pvt. Charles E. Walter
Pvt. Harry P. Walter
Pvt. Frank L. Welch
Pvt. Eli Welch
Pvt. Albert J. Waldion
Pvt. Jesse T. Welch
Pvt. Clair S. Wechter
Pvt. Curtis C. Williams
Pvt. David B. Winn
Pvt. Russell W. Witmer
Pvt. Henry E. Whitaker
Pvt. William Whitehead
Pvt. Hester Whitt
Pvt. James F. Williams
Pvt. Clarence E. Wilber
Pvt. Victor Wright
Pvt. Gleason A. Yates
Pvt. Joseph D. Younginer
Pvt. Lawrence A. Elliot

The publication is organized by unit. We have no additional information for the individuals listed and we are unable to correct errors and omissions in the publication. This information is provided in order to help you locate information regarding your ancestors. We cannot vouch for and make no claims regarding the authenticity of information presented.

Fifty-Sixth Pioneer-Infantry (First Maine Heavy Field Artillery) with the Army of Occupation in Germany New Year 1919

The Fifty-Sixth Pioneer Infantry was originally organized by Colonel Arthur T. Balentine as a regiment of Heavy Field Artillery in the National Guard of the State of Maine, under the name of The Milliken Regiment’. The regiment, which was strictly a volunteer organization, was organized in nineteen days, being completed July 25, 1917, under the title The First Maine Heavy Field Artillery Immediately after its organization, on August 20, 1917, by order of the War Department, Colonel Balentine formed from the personnel of the regiment the One Hundred And First Trench Mortar Battery. This was the first Trench Mortar Battery organized in the United States. It comprised one hundred and eighty-one men and two lieutenants under the command of Captain Roger A, Greene. They were assigned to the 26th Division and shortly afterwards sailed for France. At the same time one hundred men were transferred to the One Hundred And First Regiment Of Engineers of the same Division. After these transfers were made, and the physically unfit eliminated, there remained eight hundred men of the original command. Of these, two hundred were later commissioned as officers, or sent to Officers’ Training Schools.

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