Biography of Edwin P. Snow

Edwin P. Snow, M.D., an able physician and surgeon of Atkinson, Piscataquis County, was born in this town, September 25, 1825, son of Dr. Eleazar Wheelock and Dorcas (Hibbard) Snow. His grandfather, Benjamin Snow, who came to Atkinson from the neighborhood of Bath, New Hampshire, about the year 1818, did not reside here for any length of time. The father, who was named after a former president of Dartmouth College, received his degree of Doctor of Medicine from the medical department of that institution. Thereupon he located in Atkinson, and practiced in this town until his death, which occurred in October, 1849, at the age of fifty-four years. The only practitioner in Atkinson, he visited professionally all parts of the county, generally on horseback. He owned and cultivated a good farm. Previous to his death he decided to retire from practice in favor of his son, in order to devote his time to agriculture. He was successively a Whig and an abolitionist. In 1820 he was chosen a delegate to the convention held in Portland that arranged for the separation of Maine from Massachusetts. He served as a Selectman, and was Moderator and a member of the School Board for many years; he was also Judge of Probate. His children were: Helen P., who became Mrs. Ford; Amanda P., who was the first wife of Russ A. Snow, of this town; and Edwin P. Snow, the subject of this sketch.

Edwin P. Snow prepared for his collegiate course at the Charleston and Foxcroft Academies, and attended Waterville College for two years. His medical studies, which were begun under the direction of his father, were completed at the Bowdoin Medical College at Brunswick, Maine. After graduating in 1849, he located temporarily in Brownville. Almost immediately after he was called upon to take the place made vacant by the death of his father. Since then he has followed his profession in Atkinson assiduously. From the time of entering into practice until his partial retirement some time since, he covered his father’s old circuit with added territory. He owns a desirably located farm of thirty-five acres, besides considerable outlying property; and his long period of activity has been successful both professionally and financially. In politics he is a Democrat. He served as United States Pension Examiner under both administrations of Cleveland, and at the earnest solicitation of the old soldiers of this locality he was recently reappointed by President McKinley.

Dr. Snow first married Henrietta Chase, a daughter of Captain Joseph Chase. His children by her were: Alice, the wife of T. H. Wyman, of Sebec; and Henrietta, who is no longer living. His second wife, Lovina L., a daughter of William Reed, has had three children; namely, Harry A. Snow, M.D., George S., and Edwin P. Of these the only survivor is Dr. Harry A. Snow. Both parents have been actively interested in educational work. The Doctor taught school when a young man; while Mrs. Snow, besides having been a successful teacher previous to her marriage, has been connected with public school matters in Atkinson for upward of forty years. In 1889, his fortieth anniversary as a physician, Dr. Snow was made the recipient of a handsome gold-headed cane by his numerous friends, on which occasion the presentation was made by the late John H. Ramsdell, and an original poem, written by Rev. N. R. Turner, was read.

Source: Biographical review: containing life sketches of leading citizens of Somerset, Piscataquis, Hancock, Washington, and Aroostook counties, Maine. Boston: Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1898.

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