William H. Moore, a prominent farmer and fruit-grower of Anson, Somerset County, was born in this town, March 30, 1840. A son of Colonel Asa Wyman Moore, he represents one of the old families of the town. The grandfather, Major Joseph Moore, when but three years of age was brought by his parents to Somerset County from his birthplace, in the hills of New Hampshire. He was reared on a farm in Norridgewock, receiving such education as could be obtained in the district schools. In early manhood he served in the State militia as Major; and after his removal to Anson about a century ago he kept a hotel there for a few years, giving good entertainment to man and beast. He also continued farming in Anson, built a saw-mill, and was one of the foremost men in the vicinity. His wife, whose maiden name was Hannah Fling, was born at Old Point, Maine.
Colonel Asa W. Moore, who was born in Anson, May 7, 1806, on the old homestead, died November 6, 1895, in the house now occupied by his son. Having succeeded to the paternal acres, he carried on general farming and lumbering with signal success, and for many years was very conspicuous in public life. In the State militia he commanded a regiment, was a member of the State Senate for two terms, and filled the offices of Selectman and Town Clerk at various times. He was quite well educated, and in his younger days was a popular teacher in the district school. Colonel Moore married Eliza Smith, who, born in Norridgewock, April 24, 1807, died on the home farm, February 17, 1883. Their children were: George A., Emma F., William H., and Charles S. George A., born August 15, 1829, spent forty years of his life on a ranch in California, engaged in sheep-raising and fruit-growing, and died there, August 20, 1894. His widow, whose maiden name was Emma Carr, resides in Oakland, California. Emma F., born April 5, 1831, is now the widow of the late Dr. Alonzo P. Allen, who was a prominent physician in Anson for many years. Since Dr. Allen’s death on February 26, 1882, Mrs. Allen has kept house for her brother, William H. Charles S., the youngest child, born April 24, 1844, is a journalist, and lives in San Francisco, California.
William H. Moore received his education in an academy of Anson. From his earliest youth he worked on the farm, receiving an excellent training in the various branches of agriculture. As he advanced in years he gradually assumed the management of the homestead property, sedulously caring for his parents in their declining years. He now owns one hundred and thirty acres of the home farm, besides a farm of a hundred and eighty acres adjoining, the whole being a valuable and most desirable property. He carries on general farming, .stock-raising, and dairying with success, making a specialty of fruit-growing, for which his land is especially adapted.
Mr. Moore has never married. He has been a member of the Board of Selectmen for one term, and has also given efficient service to his townsmen in less important public offices. Taking much interest in politics, he is a stanch supporter of the principles of the Republican party. An esteemed Odd Fellow, he belongs to Table Rock Lodge, No. 100, of North Anson village; and he is a member of the Grange. Both he and his sister, Mrs. Allen, attend the Methodist Episcopal church, of which their parents were active members.
Source: Biographical review: containing life sketches of leading citizens of Somerset, Piscataquis, Hancock, Washington, and Aroostook counties, Maine. Boston: Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1898.