Company B, Fifty-Sixth Pioneer-Infantry

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1st Lt. Horace H. Towle, jr. Commanding Officer

Page 11 (continued)

1st Lt. George M. Hubbard
1st Lt. William B. McGuire
1st Sgt. Harold W. Miller
Mess Sgt. John S. Hankinson
Sup. Sgt. Ira C. Gemmel
Sgt. Percy W. Eustis
Sgt. Thomas McComb
Sgt. Sidney S. Wilson
Sgt. Reinhold H. Patzke
Sgt. William H. Wilson
Sgt. John E. Donahue
Sgt. Cyril D. Hill
Sgt. William L. LeClair
Sgt. Lawrence H. Newark
Sgt. Alfred Whitehouse
Sgt. Herman R. Gromish
Sgt. Ovide Theriault
Cpl. John A. Jones
Cpl. Philip W. Pore11

2nd Lt. Bernard F. Lee
2nd Lt. Linscott A. Nickerson
Cpl. Donald M. Gilmore
Cpl. William A. Tapscott
Cpl. Jonas R. Smith
Cpl. Charles D. McClellan
Cpl. Ralph D. Deer
Cpl. Dallas L. Fraker
Cpl. Kenneth L. Lochman
Cpl. Sigurd Holm
Cpl. Tyre O. Manus
Cpl. John L. Parker
Cpl. Edward E. Pancoast
Cpl. Clarence E. Wolfgang
Cpl. Fred Weber
Cpl. Harry A. Wagner
Cpl. Charlton P. Armstrong
Cpl. Emmett S. Brown
Cpl. Edward J. Griffin

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Cpl. Robert B. Maybie
Cpl. Robert B. Megary
Cpl. Thomas A. Rearimond
Cpl. Clifford L. Rice
Cpl. William A. Fahey
Cpl. Paul N. Hamilton
Cpl. James K. Dunn
Bgir. John Gresh
Bgir. Vincenzo A. Alessio
Mech. Archie 0. Knox
Mech. Ralph C. Porter
Mech. George N. Loeb
Cook Paul Brulotte
Cook Adelard J. Perriault
Cook Ernest Normand
Cook Robert S. Mailick
Pvt. 1st Cl. Oscar Abernethy
Pvt. 1st Cl. Roy Baer
Pvt. 1st Cl. Elmer M. Blain
Pvt. 1st Cl. William C. Brauer
Pvt. 1st Cl. Otis S. Braswell
Pvt. 1st Cl. Sim. Brodhecker
Pvt. 1st Cl. Amos M. Brown
Pvt. 1st Cl. John R. Burkand
Pvt. 1st Cl. Joseph F. Carr
Pvt. 1st Cl. Jesse J. Clark
Pvt. 1st Cl. Dom. Cornacchio
Pvt. 1st Cl. Edward Costello
Pvt. 1st Cl. Nicholas Cross
Pvt. 1st Cl. James S. Curfman
Pvt. 1st Cl. Guy H. Clontz
Pvt. 1st Cl. Rufus E. Duncan
Pvt. 1st Cl. Gust L. Eklund
Pvt. 1st Cl. Willie M. Gaskins
Pvt. 1st Cl. Albert J. Haken
Pvt. 1st Cl. Norman E. Hulon
Pvt. 1st Cl. John O. Harrison, jr.
Pvt. 1st Cl. Kister Hier
Pvt. 1st Cl. Archie Johnston
Pvt. 1st Cl. Samuel B. Kesiah
Pvt. 1st Cl. Patrick J. Kelly
Pvt. 1st Cl. Austin Kensinger
Pvt. 1st Cl. George A. Koval

Pvt. 1st Cl. Joseph Kobilis
Pvt. 1st Cl. Peter Kulkowsky
Pvt. 1st Cl. Simon G. Lipman
Pvt. 1st Cl. Joseph Laurinaitis
Pvt. 1st Cl. Arthur L. Lewis
Pvt. 1st Cl. James A. Little
Pvt. 1st Cl. Harry R. Lykens
Pvt. 1st Cl. William J. Lynch
Pvt. 1st Cl. Paul A. Marquette
Pvt. 1st Cl. Stanley Meluskey
Pvt. 1st Cl. James J. McDonnell
Pvt. 1st Cl. Will. McWhorter
Pvt. 1st Cl. Guiseppe Mariotti
Pvt. 1st Cl. Sam Minov
Pvt. 1st Cl. Thom. McDonald
Pvt. 1st Cl. Ray E. Nagle
Pvt. 1st Cl. Maurice Royston
Pvt. 1st Cl. Felix Siemianis
Pvt. 1st Cl. Samuel E. Starnes
Pvt. 1st Cl. George Sarbacher
Pvt. 1st Cl. Charles Sharp
Pvt. 1st Cl. Arthur Sisco
Pvt. 1st Cl. Mike D. Sullivan
Pvt. 1st Cl. Edwin F. Swoboda
Pvt. 1st Cl. Joseph Wysockie
Pvt. 1st Cl. Raymond Watson
Pvt. 1st Cl. John Winchester
Pvt. 1st Cl. Richard M. Young
Pvt. 1st Cl. Enrico Zito
Pvt. Charles E. Andrews
Pvt. Robert A. Angerhofer
Pvt. William A. Androls
Pvt. William Bach
Pvt. Bunting E. Bowen
Pvt. Joseph W. Bugglen
Pvt. Jesse H. Bigley
Pvt. Frank H. Blockert
Pvt. Maurice W. Biggers
Pvt. Benny Berman
Pvt. Percy A. Bowen
Pvt. Louis J. Brosset
Pvt. Jacob A. Bundrick
Pvt. Gaspare Carnelli

Page 13

Pvt. Collins L. Carlin
Pvt. James T. Carey
Pvt. John Crozier
Pvt. Raymond Clement
Pvt. Clifford W. Conder
Pvt. Bernardo Ciutti
Pvt. John J. Crawford
Pvt. John N. Couch
Pvt. Eugene T. Dixon
Pvt. Tomas Dicola
Pvt. William L. Dodamead
Pvt. Frank Emrine
Pvt. Peter Franchowski
Pvt. Joseph J. Foy
Pvt. Curtis C. Gintling
Pvt. Guy L. Graham
Pvt. Ghonor A. Grove
Pvt. Homer B. Gill
Pvt. Ralph T. Horne
Pvt. John J. Healey
Pvt. William C. Hillier
Pvt. Thomas E. Hefright
Pvt. Raymond J. Hull
Pvt. Harry Hyde
Pvt. Lewis R. Hockenberry
Pvt. Alexander C. Isbell
Pvt. Sidney B. Johnson
Pvt. Joseph P. Kain
Pvt. Joseph E. Kiser
Pvt. Joseph F. Klepac
Pvt. Raymond E. Killian
Pvt. Walter L. Kelley
Pvt. Bradie G. Kiger
Pvt. Vincenzo Lombardo
Pvt. Ervin E. Loucks
Pvt. John F. Loughery
Pvt. George E. Liedlich
Pvt. Charles G Lawrie
Pvt. Milas P. Medlin
Pvt. Calvin R. Morley

Pvt. William H. Mills
Pvt. Henry F. McCabe
Pvt. Capers S. McKay
Pvt. Edmund Mickiewicz
Pvt. James McAteer
Pvt. Roy V. MacDonald
Pvt. Ernest F. Middleton
Pvt. Farnum A. Miller
Pvt. Dwight H. Osborne
Pvt. Benjamin T. Pigg
Pvt. Oscar H. Paup
Pvt. Mack Price
Pvt. John J. Resh
Pvt. Miles P. Reiley
Pvt. Charles J. Sheppard
Pvt. Gustave H. Schroebel
Pvt. John F. Stake
Pvt. Harrison H. Stanbrough
Pvt. George E. Staub
Pvt. Harry B. Shellehamer
Pvt. Jacob Sustersic
Pvt. Sam Seigel
Pvt. Walter E. Shipp
Pvt. Durward B. Taylor
Pvt. Charles G. Thompson
Pvt. Haney H. Thrasher
Pvt. Joe Williams
Pvt. Melvin L. Woomer
Pvt. William Winnick
Pvt. Martin Wagner
Pvt. Charles B. Welch
Pvt. Joseph. W. White
Pvt. Joseph Waranovich
Pvt. George W. Yeck.
Pvt. William D. Read
Pvt. Joseph O. Ross
Pvt. Daniel C. Grissinger
Pvt. George Richter
Pvt. Frank Ashmore
Pvt. Oscar B. Shelley

The publication is organized by unit. We have no additional information for the individuals listed and we are unable to correct errors and omissions in the publication. This information is provided in order to help you locate information regarding your ancestors. We cannot vouch for and make no claims regarding the authenticity of information presented.

Fifty-Sixth Pioneer-Infantry (First Maine Heavy Field Artillery) with the Army of Occupation in Germany New Year 1919

The Fifty-Sixth Pioneer Infantry was originally organized by Colonel Arthur T. Balentine as a regiment of Heavy Field Artillery in the National Guard of the State of Maine, under the name of The Milliken Regiment’. The regiment, which was strictly a volunteer organization, was organized in nineteen days, being completed July 25, 1917, under the title The First Maine Heavy Field Artillery Immediately after its organization, on August 20, 1917, by order of the War Department, Colonel Balentine formed from the personnel of the regiment the One Hundred And First Trench Mortar Battery. This was the first Trench Mortar Battery organized in the United States. It comprised one hundred and eighty-one men and two lieutenants under the command of Captain Roger A, Greene. They were assigned to the 26th Division and shortly afterwards sailed for France. At the same time one hundred men were transferred to the One Hundred And First Regiment Of Engineers of the same Division. After these transfers were made, and the physically unfit eliminated, there remained eight hundred men of the original command. Of these, two hundred were later commissioned as officers, or sent to Officers’ Training Schools.

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